• Trying something new today, with news and commentary all snipped up the way you twitter-kiddies like it.
  • The Gears of War 3 announcement really got away from Epic and Microsoft last week when CliffyB got bumped from Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night and the shambling infrastructure of Xbox Live marketing failed to react to the new reality. But Epic’s “Face Man” got his camera time tonight and you can see the whole segment, including the premiere trailer on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon webnet.
  • The Gears 3 video is entitled “Ashes to Ashes” and features a cinematic sequence set to moody acoustic rock by Sun Kil Moon. With is Epic has tried and failed (again) to replicate the somber elegance of the first game’s famous “Mad Word” commercial, which I would argue was a huge part of how the series became so successful. Sadly, they seem to have fallen into the trap of trying too hard to replicate that almost accidental triumph.
  • It seems the new official name for PlayStation Move‘s sub-controller is the “Navigation Controller”. Just remember, you don’t actually need one. You can just use a Dual-Shock 3 or Six-Axis on your left hand. Sucks to be you, southpaws!
  • Former Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella, in the wake of last week’s cross complaint filed against them by Activision, have finally revealed their plans to form a new studio called Respawn Entertainment. They think they’re sooo clever, but I’m just mad I didn’t think of the name first!